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Noah Thompson SHOCKS EVERYONE With His Beautiful Performance of Stay By Rihanna on American Idol!
Noah Thompson Final Performance Rihanna Stay During American Idol 2022 Finale
Noah Thompson Out of the Box Performance of Rihanna Stay
Noah Thompson Shocks American Idol Judges with Rihanna Stay Showstopper Performance
Noah Thompson - Stay (Rihanna) - American Idol - Best Audio - Finale - May 22, 2022
Noah Thompson's Audition Touches The Judges Hearts and Brings Luke to Tears!
American Idol 2022 Season20 Finale Performance NOAH THOMPSON Performs an encore of "STAY by RIHANNA"
Noah Thompson - Stay (Official Visualizer)
Noah Thompson Special Performance Rihanna Stay on Greatday Live By Addiction Recovery Care
Noah Thompson and Chayce Beckham Sings Afterglow Ed Sheeran Stay Rihanna Final Performance
Noah Thompson Singing His Favorite Rihanna Song Stay at a Show in Kentucky
Noah Thompson MELTING HEARTS With Stand By Me On American Idol!